2024 Net 4-Color Advertising Rates (Includes Discount)
1X |
6X |
12X |
18X |
24X |
Full Page | $7,495 | $7,120 | $6,835 | $6,665 | $6,520 |
2/3 Page | $6,530 | $6,235 | $6,035 | $5,910 | $5,435 |
1/2 Page | $5,635 | $5,375 | $5,235 | $5,130 | $4,995 |
1/3 Page | $4,635 | $4,495 | $4,390 | $4,295 | $4,255 |
1/4 Page | $4,190 | $4,040 | $4,000 | $3,860 | $3,775 |
1/8 Page | $3,305 | $3,255 | $3,200 | $3,135 | $2,970 |
Media People
Publication Trim Size: 7-7/8” x 10-3/4”
Full Page Bleed: 8-1/8” x 11”
Spread Trim Size: 15-3/4” x 10-3/4”
Spread w/ Bleed: 16” x 11”
Live Area: 3/8” from trim
Color (No commissions on color charges.)
Second Color (PMS matched): $1445
Second Color (process): $892
Cover 4: $1030
Cover 2: $710
Cover 3: $560
Opposite "Personal Exchange": $435
Mechanical Requirements:
Printed web offset and saddle stitched. All ads must be supplied as HiRes PDFs.
Ad Sizes, Non-Bleed
1 Page: 7W x 10H
2/3 Page: 7W x 6-1/2H
1/2 Page (Horizontal): 7W x 4-7/8H
1/2 Page (Vertical): 3-3/8W x 10H
1/3 Page: 7W x 3-1/4H
1/4 Page: 3-3/8W x 4-7/8H
1/8 Page: 3-3/8W x 2-3/8H
Frequency and Closing Date
Inaugural issue, February 1992. Published monthly. Advertising closing is on the 5th of the preceding month. Cancellations are not accepted after closing date.
Circulation – 10,675
Includes healthcare manufacturers, advertising agencies,
publishers, and service/support companies.
Contact Information
Send ad materials to:
Jim Ticchio
Click Here for a list of Media People
(As of 10/1/2024)
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content including text, representation, and advertisements printed, as well as any liability for products bought or sold. The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising at its sole discretion. The Publisher is not liable for any typographical error beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Subscription (US & Canada): $36/year. Single Copy: $4.00
Nancy A. Leonard
P.O. Box 64
Verona, NJ 07044
© Healthcare Marketer's Exchange
Laura Dingman
Elise Daly Parker